
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Power of Money

In the past, supporting charities was a noble choice. We chose who we wanted to help and our desire to assist our neighbour was a good thing. Today it seems that as soon as we jump to assist one disaster, another one creeps up on us. The businesses on the planets that get the most publicity are charities or ones supporting charities. We ride for cancer, run for AIDS, collect for Haiti, fund raise for Pakistan, there are flooding, landslides, new diseases being found, which require us to put our needs aside and give money. What I find ironic is that in this time of recession and financial hardship, the charities are the organizations that seem to be doing well, at least they seem to have the support behind them.

What I am getting to is that there seems to be an avalanche of disasters requiring our attention and our money. Why is this the case, all of a sudden? Our science has shown us that what we think we create. There are many books on the subject and many spiritual teachers who tell us that our thoughts create our reality, all proving that the unseen, the unconscious mind is a powerful tool for creation. We, most of the time, worry about attracting "bad" not realizing that as we worry, we are creating the thing we are worrying about. Our fear has the greatest power for manifestation. Could it be that as we collectively focus on the poor downtrodden people on the planet, who need our help we inadvertently manifest more disasters in order for us to fulfill the need to save others, including our animals?

In my class THE POWER OF MONEY, I speak about the idea of everyone seeking to support others, always giving, which creates an empty hole needing to be filled with receivers, because even the people who are being supported have a sense of unworthiness within themselves, thus leaving a negative energy within the word charity.

Now that I've gotten the negative off my chest, let's talk about abundance. We all desire abundance - meaning money. We want to be able to live our lives on our terms. We want to know that if something happens to us we can afford to take care of ourselves without turning to handouts. We need to be able to move into attracting abundance mentality, instead of avoiding money mentality. It is within us to be abundant. It is our birthright. When we look at our world, it is abundant. We are abundant with cells. Trees are abundant with leaves. Our desert is abundant with sand. Our world in abundant with money. There is more than enough money to give each human his and her basic needs. In the class I show you how to shift your thoughts and recharge our unconscious mind to make ourselves receptive to abundance.

Having money is good. It allows us to live our lives on our terms. It affords us the opportunity to support whatever and whomever we want without leaving ourselves cash poor. Maybe this will unconsciously reverse the negative trend of disasters that seems to be plaguing our world.

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