
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oops, Sorry!!

This is the time when sorry is fashionable. Sorry that I played around on my life partner, sorry that I drank and killed your loved one, sorry that we did not do what we should, to ensure the gulf of Mexico is safe from the disaster of an oil spill. I have heard so many sorrys, teary eyed and otherwise. It is so easy to do first, say sorry next, then think later. Do the people who say sorry, giggle behind their sleeves as they plan their actions?

"I'll do what I want and say sorry when I am caught, people will buy it." The media certainly like the sorry angle, probably makes them feel powerful, they get the perpetrator to become repentant.

Sorry is now, the latest accessory.

This morning my friend called to talk about something she heard on the Coast to Coast radio show. The discussion on the show makes it appear that the present oil spill in the golf of Mexico is signaling the "end of days", the oil in the water apparently looks like blood, she heard. Basically in Revelation 8 Verse 8, a trumpet is sounded by a second angel and along with a mountain burning with fire and cast into the ocean, a third of the ocean turns to blood. Unless this is the earth's blood which could be seen as the oil deposits, I feel we have much longer to wait before the end times. I don't think we can get away so easily nor should we expect to. We have done a lot to this earth and her creatures and before we "go" we should learn - those of us left on earth - how to correct the damage we have created or we will be back again on another planet - like we now are from Atlantis - to repeat the learning.

Let's look at the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I had an image of the oil spilling so quickly from the earth the it creates an unstable gap in the earth's crust which causes a catastrophic sink hole to occur in and around the Gulf. Like when you remove the blood from an vein and the vein collapses. The expectation was to siphon oil over a period of decades until the oil pocket in the earth is empty. With so much oil spilling, what if this is happening too quickly and the earth is not able to adjust fast enough? Will we see this as an act of God? The oil industry as well as many other industries that go into the earth in search of profits, do not look at the old traditional ways of take only what you need. They take and take, leaving their children to clean up the messes. Or they give most of their money to charity when they get too old to enjoy it. Makes me wonder about their relationships with their children.

The world's economy is in the dumps. I feel that this oil spill will continue to throw us even further into the economic pit, from which only a major exodus of humanity from starvation will correct. We understand that we are all interconnected not just humans but the animals, birds, sea creatures, insects and rocks. What happens to a rock affects a snail which affects a bird, which stops seeds from being carried about, costing us our lumber industry, and our food, taking a toll on us.

In this case I think BP should get on and plug the hole they have created - for real, for real - and go make their profits elsewhere like making money doing cleanup.

1 comment:

21 freckles said...

Hello Sonia. I agree with you on this. It seems today's anthem is "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." I look forward to reading all your upcoming blog posts.