
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Pinocchio Syndrome – Avoiding the pitfalls to achieving your dreams

I had an interesting astrology reading the other day. I had a few before but didn't get the full information as I had with this last very amazing astrologer. Turns out I am an artist of the highest degree called a high intuitive but I already know this. What was most interesting to me and answered a troubling issue I encountered many times, is why I kept running into business partnerships that left me playing catch up when the relationships ended.

I spent the better part of my life working to uplift and support all that crossed my path. At my own expense most times. I have traveled vast distances to work with a family or an individual sometimes sponsored by others I met along the way. Of course, I am grateful for the support from both terrestrial and celestial sources. Despite the gifts I have, over the years even before I understand the fullness of my capabilities I would meet individuals and situations where I’d stop my progress to support and assist them in some way; from long coffee breaks where I sat patiently listening to their stories and giving guidance, to telephone conversations where I am seen as a person’s best mate, expected to give guidance for free. For a long time, I thought, “There’s lots more where that came from”. Although that was the case, time was passing me by in a hurry while I tarried in support of in-need “friends”.

I was tired of the cycle I was on but could not see the way off. What I found out in the astrological reading was that despite all the knowing that I have on a high order, I had a fatal flaw, in the work and business area of my chart. It shows I am free to love – but mustn’t mix love with work or both will fail, which it has. I have a strong spiritual connection, but in business and career, destined to be stuck in a loop of growth, then distraction which, pulls me off my progress, standing still, then back to growth like the character, Pinocchio. I never liked the story of Pinocchio, because I felt that Pinocchio was set up from the moment he was created. He would strive for the ability to feel - to be a real boy, but had to always be vigilant, watch out for the things that would derail his progress, except he was not aware that they were there.  Pinocchio had a dream, but something in him attracted time wasters and crafty ones who wanted to make their wealth off his ability, keeping him in his wooden state that of a marionette.

Armed with the vital piece from the astrology reading, I now know that even though I have been aware that the choices I made in the past were not in my best interest, I was drawn to them because of an inner destiny, that until I became aware of what it was could not shift. I now know clearly what to look for, I am aware of the sensation that tells me I am being pulled in a direction which will stall my growth, and that I am not crazy. 

You are not crazy. If you feel yourself on a loop, take a look at recurring themes. If you cannot figure it out, find a good astrologer to show you on paper what challenges you were born with and need extra work.

You can shift the flaw in this lifetime. Knowledge is king! You are not doomed to follow the same rut in the road! Once you know that the wall is a mirage, you can walk right through it. Be brave - find out what your inner challenge is and then shift it.