
Saturday, December 29, 2012

The end of life as we know it - LOVE IT!

On December 20, 2012 a client called me in a panic. She was told that if she did not clear the emotional state she was in, she would be stuck in it, after the shift that was to occur on December 21st. Of course, as with Y2K, there was a great deal of fear mongering causing people to spend a lot of money, effort and time getting ready for the end. I viewed the fear filling the planet and saw that even as we lived in fear, the energy on the planet was automatically clearing the darkness caused by our fear. Wonderful isn't it? As we spewed our negativity, there is a force that is automatically healing and removing it, transforming it into light. Everything feels lighter. I see our future spread out far into the distance. The human race is and will continue despite our attempt to scare ourselves into oblivion.

2013 will be the year where we begin to see the fruits of the seeds we have sown. If we have been struggling to establish our foundation, we will find ourselves leaping over the "fiscal cliff" landing on strong financial legs. We will realize the truth of what it means to have it all, knowing that we need not match ourselves with anyone. Each of us will set in place for ourselves our own limits of abundance. I feel the rich will give up some of their wealth and the poor will believe in their deserving to have their basic needs met.

Love will evolve, or the image of love will evolve. We will look at the underlying reasons for ourselves of why we attract the types love we bring into our life. Yes there is change. Big change. We are like the caterpillar being transformed into the butterfly, through the metamorphic process of the chrysalis. I am looking forward to this change. For it is through these fundamental changes which occur at a deep level within us, that we will wake up one day, forgetting our avariciousness, our fearful decisions based upon our sense of feeling invalidated.

Enjoy the ride!

Love the shift!