
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Paranoia In A Future World, Will It Fit?

Since the beginning of realization that we may be under control, conspiracy theorists have regaled us with horror stories about how our governments are spying into the tiny details of our lives. Certain events over time have spurred even more tightening of security in the public, at airports and government offices. And this creates panic about the erosion of our personal liberties and privacy. A friend and I spend hours on the topic of the Illuminati's desire to control the world. She sits in a world of disquiet over the possibility that our governments or some powerful organization may have the power to scrutinize too closely, our daily activity. She is also fascinated with science fiction and Star Trek. The idea that one day we could be living in a world where we could travel through space, meet other beings from planets way beyond our galaxies is a tantalizing idea. 

Recently, as I was going through security at the airport, it struck me, that in order for us to evolve into the species with the ability to travel the stars, we will have to give up our privacy. On Star Trek, there is no privacy. Everyone's information is stored in a database. The world is a one-nation world and the people on earth are a one family collective where everything about each of us is known - from our health disorders to our lifestyle choices. This is how the replicator can create Siberian vodka or earl grey tea hot. As far as I can gather in this future space world, being open is not such a bad thing, especially from a health perspective. If I fall over in Prague for example, my health records are available to the doctors there who can then make a proper assessment and effect healing.

Of course, our politicians and protectors will need to move beyond paranoia as well. They will need to trust us as we do them.  We the human race are moving toward a future where all our walls will have to be removed for the betterment of the human race and of course ourselves. Maybe we need to make ourselves ready for this space age future that we are so fascinated with. 

"Beam me up Scotty!"

I am Sonia Haynes, that's my view on the subject.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Navigating the thoroughfare in Social Media

 Talk about patting my head and rubbing my tummy. It is easier for me to do that than to navigate the thoroughfares in the social media world. When you look at the social media phenomenon, do you feel like you have your head stuck in a wasp’s nest? There is an incredible amount of experts, blogs, and advice out there, on how to utilize social media to increase ones business. Building a fan base and trending have become important aspects of marketing. Why? I’ve found that for me social media is one of those fads that seem to be running out of steam, finally! Thank God! No sour grapes here!

Social Media Causeway
Here's what happened to me. After successfully running my business long before the social media craze, I was advised that I needed to have a Facebook page to connect with my clients, so I did. This threw me into Linkedin, I am not really sure how I got into Linkedin. It took me a while to get somewhat of a handle on what Linkedin is all about. I'm still not sure. Then my daughter told me that Pinterest is great for finding inspiring images and connection. Sounds good, but what do I do with the things I pinned? Twitter, now that is a bit of a joke, I had a twitter account for quite a while before I knew how to use it. Get a YouTube channel I was told. Ha! I messed up YouTube so much. I ended up with three YouTube channels and I'm not sure how that happened either. I think I might still have them. I recorded several videos deleting them because they were not perfect before my daughter, the one who told me about Pinterest, told me that I had a video editing programme on my computer. Go figure! The YouTube channels threw me into Google+. What the hell is Google+, anyway?
So, I'm on Google+. Google+ snuck up on me. Before I knew it I was registered. I am just on Klout, not sure what that is either. I don’t even go to that one. I have a blog on Blogspot now called Blogger. I wasn't aware of the name change until my daughter brought it to my attention after I tried to logging in, to no avail. Through my daughter's genius I got back on and cleaned up my Blogger page. I was told that I should get a Wordpress blogging page. It was so complicated that I added a few more silver strands to my already graying hair trying to figure out that one. I'm sure I am a bunch more social media sites, I just can't remember which. Oh and I am on Hootsuite and dot Me.

Well, back to Facebook. So, I had a Facebook page for my book, and one for affirmations, plus my facebook home page, Then Facebook added a new page which was a duplicate page, still don’t understand the duplication. I do find it easier to browse the original page. Another 'expert' came along and told me that I needed to amalgamate my Facebook pages. So, I did. This put an abrupt halt to the slow rise in my 'likes'. With all these social media platforms out there, it’s a wonder I have time to do what I'm really good at.

Does social media work? Is it effective? My answer at this point is “I’ll get back to you in say, fifty years”. Unless you have brought your business to a place where you are making money to hire little Tyler down the street to keep your social media motor running smoothly, don't depend on it! It is a waste of time and your twenty dollars. I think the experts need to come up with real social media successes of people who have spent real amounts of time on these platforms. Celebrities can afford the time to tweet and browse. Successful people do not have the time to crawl through the Ethernet. I think it's time we unplug and redefine the uses of social media and spare the rest of my pepper hair from turning to salt. Well that is my rant for the day. I now have a new social media person who seems to be on the ball. I will keep you up to date on my progress.

Sonia Nadina Haynes is an Emotional Healing Practitioner and author. She lives in British Columbia.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are You Ready For Love?

Conversations with friends and clients about attracting intimate love that makes itself easy for us to fit into, love that is full, cosy and so delicious that it is easy to slide down and wrap around ourselves has been heating up lately. One friend is adamant that I will and must have a love relationship in my life, at the same time she spends her time searching out in the world of men for THE ONE. Another found the possibility of love and allowed the moment to pass while saying that there are no potential relationships out there. I have clients who have met THE ONE but are waiting for the individual to become ready and available for them. They are asking, “Why is he taking so long?”

Languishing in the waiting room of love, most of us came from childhood experiences of loneliness and abandonment. For females attracted to men, when father abandoned the family, whichever for that takes- alcoholism, over work, anger and violence, each child had to deal with the pain caused by the hole created in the moment of loss. When father dies this compounds the abandonment story. Although it may not seem that way, most men are traditional in their outlook. They try to be modern and with it but they still want to be the protector and support for the one they love. When they meet a woman who has abandonment issues, she unconsciously uses her fears to hold the man in place, taking over his role of support and then gets angry when he allows her to lead. It is not that he is weak; he just wants to please. For women going into relationships where the man starts out strong, leave him to the job of being the support system to your life while you nurture and wrap him softly in warmth so that he will feel safe being in your arms. It is a challenge to take that step because it means both sides have to surrender control to become truly happy.  India Arie sings a powerful song about the longing and the pain that that union brings. 

Do you need love? Do you have a relationship you want to build on? 

Follow your heart. Listen to the words in the song. “I am ready for love, Why are you hiding from me, I’ll quickly give up my freedom, To be held in your captivity.” Are you ready to truly surrender your fear of abandonment, your fear of betrayal to have the love that encompasses all… that will release us from loneliness? 

The future of our planet, the resolution to wars, climate change and violence depend on us humbly, surrendering all our fears at the feet of love. The answer to my friends who insist that I should be seeking love is that I am aware that there is someone out there and I will not compromise because I know what I want. I can wait until my last breath to surrender to THE ONE and will not regret the time we were apart because when I am in his embrace, it means that I have completely made myself “ready for love”

Sonia Nadina Haynes -

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

To TV Or Not To TV

 While I was dreaming about a large, black obsidian like object landing on the planet, on top of me, my family and friends, a comet was actually passing by earth. I was sharing my dream with my friend when she mentioned the comet. I did not know about the phenomenon. It occurred to me that there is a lot going on around me that I don't know about. There are many people who seem to be on the pulse of what is going on, who can Schpeel off the events of each day. Sometimes I think that I may be missing out because I am not on the pulse of life's events. But then with all there is to know, how does one keep up? Would I be sleeping away when the big one hits? Even in my family dynamics I have found that most events pass me by. For a long time I lived without television. Too busy to pay attention to TV shows or even the news, I removed myself from the world, until my daughter called me on that fateful morning.

I was living in Ontario in a small out of the way town, on a beautiful piece of land that was overrun with deer, squirrels, foxes, wild birds and fish in several small ponds that meandered through the property, connected by tributaries running under handmade bridges dotted like patches on the long strip of land. Across the road and down the hill, was a lake that would freeze in the winter revealing the wonder of water in solid form and the sparkle of the water on a summer's evening. I was busy writing and the telephone rang. I impatiently answered it. My daughter was at the end of the phone asking me how I felt about what was happening in New York.

I snapped at her, " What are you talking about?"

She said, "Turn on the TV!"

"Why should I turn on the TV?” I asked.

"Turn-on-the-T-V!" she insisted.

I turned on the TV the moment when a second plane was driven into the second tower of the Twin Tower at The World Trade Centre. The rest of my day was spent by the television. Everything was forgotten. I was on the phone calling family and friends who lived in New York. Since then I kept cable TV just in case there is something I might miss. Ironically, I still miss things like the comet passing by us. I am not one of those who claim that I don't watch television, because sometime in the future of my career, I will be dependent on a television audience for my livelihood.

Those of us in the media, writers, musicians, sports people to name a few, are reliant on the wide audience that television brings. We moved to the Internet as if watching shows on the Internet is an upgrade from the "sewer" of television. I am fascinated to see where we are going in the future of media. Will the Internet take the place of television or will television transform to fit the demands of the public. Maybe television is put aside for now because we have to pretend to be polite while the internet afford us the freedom to be as nasty to each other as possible. We have become impatient with ourselves, which we project on each other. The TV shows are old, carrying the same as. We are bored with the formulas. The Harry Potteresk coming of age stories. Vampire for teenagers from books that utilize formulas that publishers have been trying to maintain. The news repeated through the day. Maybe that's good because we won't miss a news headline. 

How do I fit into this? I am choosing to step off the same old, same old. I follow the news, watch television shows that interest me and hope that the good I am giving by supporting entertainers on the TV will follow me when I make my way into the media.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Pinocchio Syndrome – Avoiding the pitfalls to achieving your dreams

I had an interesting astrology reading the other day. I had a few before but didn't get the full information as I had with this last very amazing astrologer. Turns out I am an artist of the highest degree called a high intuitive but I already know this. What was most interesting to me and answered a troubling issue I encountered many times, is why I kept running into business partnerships that left me playing catch up when the relationships ended.

I spent the better part of my life working to uplift and support all that crossed my path. At my own expense most times. I have traveled vast distances to work with a family or an individual sometimes sponsored by others I met along the way. Of course, I am grateful for the support from both terrestrial and celestial sources. Despite the gifts I have, over the years even before I understand the fullness of my capabilities I would meet individuals and situations where I’d stop my progress to support and assist them in some way; from long coffee breaks where I sat patiently listening to their stories and giving guidance, to telephone conversations where I am seen as a person’s best mate, expected to give guidance for free. For a long time, I thought, “There’s lots more where that came from”. Although that was the case, time was passing me by in a hurry while I tarried in support of in-need “friends”.

I was tired of the cycle I was on but could not see the way off. What I found out in the astrological reading was that despite all the knowing that I have on a high order, I had a fatal flaw, in the work and business area of my chart. It shows I am free to love – but mustn’t mix love with work or both will fail, which it has. I have a strong spiritual connection, but in business and career, destined to be stuck in a loop of growth, then distraction which, pulls me off my progress, standing still, then back to growth like the character, Pinocchio. I never liked the story of Pinocchio, because I felt that Pinocchio was set up from the moment he was created. He would strive for the ability to feel - to be a real boy, but had to always be vigilant, watch out for the things that would derail his progress, except he was not aware that they were there.  Pinocchio had a dream, but something in him attracted time wasters and crafty ones who wanted to make their wealth off his ability, keeping him in his wooden state that of a marionette.

Armed with the vital piece from the astrology reading, I now know that even though I have been aware that the choices I made in the past were not in my best interest, I was drawn to them because of an inner destiny, that until I became aware of what it was could not shift. I now know clearly what to look for, I am aware of the sensation that tells me I am being pulled in a direction which will stall my growth, and that I am not crazy. 

You are not crazy. If you feel yourself on a loop, take a look at recurring themes. If you cannot figure it out, find a good astrologer to show you on paper what challenges you were born with and need extra work.

You can shift the flaw in this lifetime. Knowledge is king! You are not doomed to follow the same rut in the road! Once you know that the wall is a mirage, you can walk right through it. Be brave - find out what your inner challenge is and then shift it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Importance Of Words To Heal

Words are delicious or they can be poison. It is up to each of us what words taste like. For example, "You look beautiful." is delicious to the person you are sharing these words with. "You are a good for nothing." is like eating poison the that person has shared. Many of us grew up in environments where the latter statement was use indiscriminately. We were force fed the toxic words that shaped our tender minds, damaging our psyche. To think that we are capable of using words to destroy ourselves or others is outside of the realm of reason. Remember the childhood rhyme, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words can never hurt me?" This rhyme is now obsolete. We are now using words to hurt ourselves or being like a mosquitoes in the ears of others. We have become verbal terrorists. Deliberately using words like bombs and guns to cause destruction in our wake.

One thing I know is that as a child I grew up hearing that I was not as good as my cousins who didn't do as well as I in school, I carried that negative voice with me into my adult life, but used the "Sticks and stones..." rhyme to keep me safe from others negative verbal regurgitation. I lifted myself up by reprogramming my mind, with positive thoughts.

Something happened when I was about thirteen years old. My grandmother was being her usual self, a bully, telling me that I was unclean, because I was having my period. She kept reminding me I was dirty because I was a girl. That I would not amount to anything in her estimation. I was feeling so hurt, and alone in that moment, that I walked away from her and went to a rock that was above the house which had a hollowed out seat and I sat down. I was angry at being trapped in the experience and all of a sudden I felt as if I was growing. I felt myself grow up above the trees and I could see beyond my grandmother's home. I was able to see past the place that was causing me pain. I heard in my mind a voice which said, "You are greater than the experience you are in." I got it! It was really true. My grandmother used sticks and stones that hurt my bones just as she tried to use her words to hurt me, but I was shown that I was more than the pain I was experiencing. And you know something, She suffered a stroke about a year later and my sisters and I cared for her tenderly, we did not allow her own poison to make us like her. She did not change much when she got better, but I grew beyond her toxicity.

If you are under attack at home, in secret or in public, be aware that you are greater than the experience you are in. Nothing can hurt your spirit especially not words. It has no power over you except for the time you take to stop and consider it.

What is The Value of Visiting a Psychic?

Most of us have visited a psychic at one time or another or at least have had a go at reading tarot cards. People have been going to psychics, oracles, intuitives or diviners throughout human history. In times gone by citizens went to the oracle in Greece. The oracle was someone mostly female who spent her life from youth being the mouthpiece of the gods. Great, epic journeys and decisions were embarked upon and made at the advice and guidance of these oracles. In indigenous cultures, the psychic was called by many names including shaman or old one. Even in our modern culture, many people from presidents, kings and shoemakers have gone to psychics and shamans for guidance on important life decisions. Of course the level of guidance one gets is dependent on the level of confidence the spiritual guide has in his or her ability to transmit the information available for you. I heard a woman complain that she had a psychic tell her vital and important information about her life that threw her into a tailspin. She, taking the information to heart and literally, spent six months in agony until the offending information came true for her. Now as the oracle said to Neo in movie The Matrix, when he knocked the vase over, “ would you have knocked the vase over, had I not told you about it?” the question is would she have had the negative events if she had not been told about it? Are psychics giving us the absolute truth or is the guidance given to us like that of the oracles of old that spoke in riddles for us to decipher?

When a person goes to a psychic, he is usually at a crossroad seeking guidance as to which direction to take in his life. The psychic’s purpose is only to divine and clarify for us each way, so that we can make an educated decision with confidence. Because everyone is intuitive, all psychics have the ability to guide us. The challenge is that each individual psychic has his or her own perspective from which she gives guidance. For example if the psychic is dealing with emotional challenges, she will guide us from the place, which will either empower or diminish us. It is good to question the psychic when we get information that needs clarification, hopefully as we would question your doctor’s diagnosis or your psychiatrist’s drug prescription. It is important to become an educated consumer and question what we have been told. Questions lead to answers, which lead to personal empowerment.

Do you feel empowered after leaving the psychic’s office? Do you feel satisfied with the information you have received? Maybe you need to go home and digest the information a bit more before taking action. Being an educated consumer will leave you feeling empowered and because like attracts like, because you are empowering yourself, you will only be drawn to a psychic who will guide you in keeping with and supporting your growth.